Last day to the end of work. (:
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Brought Shuqun Sec kids to vivocity for a trail today.
The kids were fantastic. Attentive, behaved just a little one or two tweets.
I hate rainy days.
Lesson learnt from today.
1.If the boss is the boss, don't try to be the boss.
2.If the boss say no bubble tea chop means no bubble tea chop.
3.If the boss say go down collect notes, collect notes even if you have to ninja
into the main office and hunt down the notes. Cause failure to do so would cos a disqualification
for the trail. WOW. Thanks.
4.The boss is just trying to cut cost.
5.1 chop = $10.
6.$10 fly away.
7.I'm being a nuisance by trying to emphasize on how great my day was. Yeah right.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
sometimes you just wish that someone could be there to encourage you.
sometimes you just wish that someone could be there to tell you that you already did your best.
sometimes you just wish that someone could be there to affirm you that you're not alone.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
this 2 weeks were rather hectic.
came over to baby's place to take care of her.
she had high fever of 40 degrees, plus headache & body ache. );
first week: seen chinese physician TWICE.
second week: seen doctor at TTSH.
Second week was quite bad. the fever didnt subside & it continued to increase.
Was quite worried. so informed baby's mum, brought her to TTSH with Sze Jian &
Sze An.
We waited 4 hours before we get to see the doctor. OMG.
I almost lost my patience cos i was rather hungry. HEHHEH.
Anyway, everything went fine. waited for blood test results to determine what's up with baby.
Conclusion: nothing much. (:
In Need Of: water & rest. (:
Reached baby's place around midnight.
I stayed over at baby's place. Baby slept. I, L4D. (:
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pepperidge, Vincenzo, Kenji ,Inspector Clouseau
Inspector Clouseau, Vincenzo, Pepperidge.

Karate with Inspector Clouseau.
Happy 8th month anniversary!
Went Orchard Lido Theatre in the afternoon with baby.
Watched The Pink Panther 2. The show's rather interesting.
The down side is that we sat too far back,
so the movie appeared rather far and the surround sound wasn't as good as Cathay's.
The movie ended about 7pm.
Went shopping with baby at Wisma Atrium.
Left for home shortly after.
Currently rushing baby's stuff.
Gotta wake up 430am in the morning to accompany my dad to work.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Baby's complaining bout me not blogging.
Anyway, holidays are really boring. Met up with Aunt Debbie today.
Went over to Far East Flora to get plants for my room.
Aunt's complaining that my cosy room is a little too dark and too un-bright.
So... She decided to add some colors into my room
by getting me a purple orchid plant and a bright red cactus.
She said that at least it keeps me from feeling BORED,
and also brings some colors.
Will be going over Aunt's place for dinner.
i think i'm starting to eat a lot again.
Had stomach virus a week ago, which affected the amount of food i eat.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Woke up at 7 today. Accompanied Aunt Debbie & Kevin to go TTSH for blood test.
Had mushroom chicken sandwich for breakfast. Taste a little plastic.
Left TTSH at about 9 plus. then bought funnels and measuring beakers for the powderised metals.As the guy wasn't around, work was postponed.
Left to AMK Hub to watch Transporter 3.
Its like a action-packed movie, a show for those that totally won't give action movies a miss. Its not like the usual action-packed movie where its like action action and all action, the story plot was awesome.
Then went over to Leyee's place.
I've contracted the disease of nothing-but-sleep.
So you could guess what i did at her place.(:
Dad promised to get me a digital cam this sunday.
Hopefully its earlier. HAHAH.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Had breakfast with them before heading over to uncle Joe's workshop.
Kinda killed time over there, played psp and was checking out the watson stuff that aunt Debbie has.
uncle Joe's neighbour needed some help with some powdered metals.
so i'll be there tomorrow, the day after, the day day after and maybe the day day day after to help to powderised the powdered metals.
aunt Debbie's going to check out how much he's going to pay me first though.
maybe $100? $200? $300?
Anyway, got home around 11 plus.
Slept as usual. Went over to supermarket to get groceries, inclusive of ingredients for dinner.
Was in the mood to cook, so cooked spaghetti and radio-wave chicken.( just kidding, its simply micro-wave.)
Reached back home about 5 plus. Ken came over for dinner as well.
Accompanied Ken to converse to check out sneakers.
He managed to get one, after much much persuasion. $56.
Gotta sleep soon, gonna accompany Kevin for blood test tomorrow.